You once were so connected and now you feel so far apart…

I know you’re angry.

You’re feeling inadequate.

It feels like your world has been turned upside down.

You don’t know what’s real anymore.

You wonder what’s wrong with you that you weren’t good enough for your partner.

You feel betrayed.

You’re drowning in guilt and embarrassment.

You feel disconnected and confused.

You want all of this to just go away and to never have happened.

You want to feel desired again.

You want to feel worthy.

You want to feel whole and complete again.

You want to try to repair, but you’re at a loss as to where to even start.

Infidelity doesn’t have to be the end of your relationship.

It IS possible to build a bridge over it.

I’m here to tell you: You can get to the other side and rebuild something new. Something stronger and better.

Healing and repair is possible.

Start building your bridge today.